
The CHARA Bible Study Guide booklet is a resource that will help you learn how to study the Bible. Using the simple to remember acronym C.H.A.R.A, learn what questions to ask when studying your Bible, where to look for information, and how to apply scripture to your life.

Get access to a beautifully designed printable version of the CHARA Bible Study Guide to use as you study on your own.

Available as a digital download that can be printed at home.

For more information about the CHARA Bible Study Guide, check out

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DETAILS – 8 pages | 8.5 x 11 inches | Black & White PDF Download

Once you have added this printable to your cart and checked out, a digital copy will be emailed to your inbox.

The PDF file was formatted to print on 8.5” x 11” paper, in single sheets front and back in landscape format, be assembled and folded in half to be an 8.5” x 5.5” booklet. Alternatively, it can also be printed on full 8.5” x 11” sheets of paper. It can be printed on a home printer (double-sided), or for a higher-quality result, you can have it printed at a professional print shop.

The Neighbor Guide (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE) NeighborGuideProductImage-Digital.png

The Neighbor Guide (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE)

CHARA Bible Study Guide Bookmark (PRINTABLE) Chara Bookmark White Background.png

CHARA Bible Study Guide Bookmark (PRINTABLE)

Layout of the Bible with Chronological Timelines (PRINTABLE) Layout of the Bible Cover.png

Layout of the Bible with Chronological Timelines (PRINTABLE)

Layout of the Bible Bookmark (PRINTABLE) LayoutoftheBiblePrintable2024.jpg

Layout of the Bible Bookmark (PRINTABLE)

The Bible's Big Story One-Page (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE) Big Story Product Image.png

The Bible's Big Story One-Page (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE)
