5-Week Everyday CHARA Bible Study (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE)

5-Week Everyday CHARA Bible Study (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE)


The Everyday CHARA Bible Study is 5-week study that walks through how to study the Bible, using the simple and easy to remember acronym CHARA: Context, History, Author, Research (Read), and Apply. We believe you can experience joy everyday when you dive into God’s Word and learn to study it on your own.

Get access to a beautifully designed printable version of the Bible study to use as you study on your own or with a friend.

Available as a digital download that can also be printed at home.

This study includes:

  • Week 1 - Context

  • Week 2 - History

  • Week 3 - Author

  • Week 4 - Research/Reading

  • Week 5 - Apply

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DETAILS – 33 pages | 8.5 x 11 inches | Full Color PDF Download

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This PDF was formatted to be used digitally on a handheld device or to be printed on 8.5” x 11” paper in portrait format. It can be printed on a home printer (double-sided to save paper), or for a higher-quality result, you can have it printed at a professional print shop to collate and bind the guidebook.

Additional Details

We created the CHARA Bible Study Method to offer a simple and memorable Bible study method that will help all women, from any experience level and any background, understand and find joy in the Bible. 

We’ve titled this study Everyday Chara, because these are simple-to-remember study tips you can apply to your everyday Bible study. Each study will walk you through a Bible study method, which follows the acronym CHARA: Context, History, Author, Research (Read), Apply - with an insightful example that illustrates and teaches us why each one is essential.

This 5-week Bible Study will focus on the CHARA Bible study method. We are so glad you are joining us and we can’t wait for you to experience the joy this method will bring as the Bible comes to life during our study.

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