Day 16: John 13 - Love One Another
“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 13
Have you ever had your feet washed by someone? It may not be that bad of an experience if you’ve been wearing shoes all day. But what about after a good hike, on a dusty trail in sandals? The hike may have been worth it, but those feet… yikes! I don’t know about you, but the dirt can be caked on thick after a good hike and the process for cleaning up… well, it’s messy.
Thankfully, Jesus welcomes our mess. And He welcomed the mess of the disciples. After walking the dusty, sandy roads around Judea, it was common during that time for the servants of a household to wash the feet of guests as they entered a home.
Yet in the upper room, as He prepared to eat with His disciples for the last time, it was Jesus that took the position of the servant to wash their feet.
He humbled Himself.
He came to serve.
He loved in all the mess.
Jesus helped us see that in the same way He was serving, that we too should go and serve others.
His command was simple: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (vs. 34, NIV).
It can be easy to love others in the easy stuff. But what about when it’s messy? What about when loving others is hard? Well, it doesn’t stop Jesus from loving us.
Jesus set the example on how to love and treat each other and asks that we go and do the same.
How does understanding Jesus’ example of servanthood and love challenge you in how to treat others?
Written by: Heather Erickson