Day 15: John 12 - Nothing is Wasted on God
“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 12
Women in general tend to be less confident than men. Study after study shows that women underestimate their abilities.* I’m not sure why that is, but we, as women, often don’t give ourselves much credit. Yet we should (can I hear an “Amen”!?!)!
Thankfully, we have a God that knows better. He knows we have something amazing to offer. Something He can use for His glory. If we’re just willing to offer it.
But we often hold back. It may be insecurity. It may be shame. It may be fear.
Which is why we should love Mary in John 12 SO MUCH. Here’s a woman who doesn’t care what other people think. She LOVES Jesus and is willing to give - literally - her ALL to Him.
She had about 11.5 ounces of perfume - something that was considered a luxury back then. And she confidently offered it to Jesus in order to anoint His feet.
She was bold.
She was generous.
She gave her ALL.
We love this woman! Here she had humbled herself in front of her Savior. Then Judas questioned her. Made fun of her.
But it didn’t matter. Why? Jesus’ response.
You see… Nothing of yours is wasted on God. Nothing. He can use every gift, every talent, every outpouring of who you are, for His glory.
Don’t forget that. Even when the Judas’ of the world mock and try to push you around. Jesus can use everything you’re willing to give Him.
What allowed Mary to quiet Judas’ voice and only listen to Jesus? How can you do the same? ? How can you gain confidence in knowing that nothing of yours is wasted on God?
Written by: Heather Erickson
*The Confidence Gap, The Atlantic, May 2014,