Day 14: John 11 - Trusting God’s Timing
“But when Jesus heard about it he said, ‘Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 11
We live in a world of right now with Netflix, Spotify, and Amazon at our beck and call. Life is on-demand and we demand results now! With any movie we want at our fingertips, same-day delivery, and a quick “Hey Alexa, play Thunderstruck by AC/DC” as your morning wake-up call (#truestory), we get what we want, when we want it.
And we expect that God will be the same. Am I right?
Does it ever feel like you’re not getting the same level of on-demand response from God? You pray, but don't get what you want from God in the timing you think is best?
While we try to control our own destiny, we expect that God is like Alexa, or a magic genie, ready to meet our requests when we make them.
We may want God to respond right now, and when He doesn’t, we think He isn’t listening, doesn’t care, or isn’t answering our prayers.
The real truth is that God’s timing may be different from our own. God’s ways are not our ways.
We see this come to life in John 11, as Jesus knows of His good friend’s death, and yet still waits a few days before heading back to bring the man back to life! The result of waiting was better than anyone expected. The result was what Jesus desired: For God’s glory.
When we pray to God, it’s not about our timing. It’s about His timing. It’s not about our desires, it’s about His desires.
Lord, how can I become closer to you?
Lord, how can I see you more clearly through this?
Lord, how can I give you glory today?
When our hearts are aligned to God’s heart, the outcome we’re praying for is one He’ll respond to in His timing!
What does your pray-life look like today? Are you waiting on your timing or God’s timing? How can you better align your heart with God so that you can trust in His timing?
Written by: Heather Erickson