Day 13: John 10 - The Good Shepherd
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 10
On the outskirts of the cities around Judea, where Jesus was traveling, would have been fields of shepherds watching over their sheep that could be used for meat, wool, and sacrifices to God.
Well, I don’t know about you, but food, clothing, and a relationship with God are pretty important! Which means sheep were vitally important at that time.
As a masterful storyteller, Jesus tied in the culture of the time to relay a simple message to the Jewish religious leaders about a shepherd (Jesus) and His flock. Calling us His sheep, Jesus explained how important we are to Him.
Jesus said He is the door. Like a shepherd who wants His flock protected, Jesus has created only one way to be saved and it’s through Him, the door. Anyone false would enter another way and try to steal away the sheep. But Jesus wants us to know there’s only one way: to follow Him and be saved!
Jesus also said He is the good shepherd. He likened the sheep or flock to His people, who are valuable and vitally important. Have you ever thought of yourself as important to Jesus? Well, you are. You truly are, if He was willing to lay down His life for His sheep!
You see, Jesus knows us and loves us like a shepherd knows and loves his flock. He desires a relationship with us. And we can have it if we just believe in Him.
How does knowing Jesus as the Gate and Good Shepherd change your view of Him?
Written by: Heather Erickson