Day 12: John 9 - Light of the World
“While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 9
Have you ever been on a tour of a cave? You may have been to one of the many around the world. They bring groups of people winding through the inside of a mountain that has a cavernous maze of rooms with stalactites and stalagmites.
If you’ve been to one, they all have a similar part of the tour when they arrive at the deepest part of the mountain. They have everyone turn off any lights to experience the utter darkness of the room. Deep in the mountain. Devoid of light. It’s so dark that even when your eyes adjust to the darkness, you still can’t see the person next to you.
That darkness and blindness we experience PHYSICALLY in the deep cavernous mountains is the same darkness and blindness we experience SPIRITUALLY in the deep cavernous depths of our sin.
And yet…
Jesus is the light of the world.
Jesus came so that the blind will see.
He wasn’t just talking about physical darkness and physical sight - though He did heal a man born blind to get His message across. No, Jesus was talking about overcoming spiritual darkness and giving spiritual sight to those blinded by sin.
The light of Jesus gives us the sight to see how separated we are from God and the sight to understand that Jesus is the remedy.
Like coming out of the cave and experiencing the refreshing and lifegiving light that the SUN provides, when we come out of the darkness of our sin, we experience the refreshing and lifegiving light of the world that only the SON OF GOD can provide.
How does understanding that Jesus is the remedy for our darkness and blindness, give you hope?
Written by: Heather Erickson