A Heart of Wisdom Guide and Reading Plan (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE)

A Heart of Wisdom Guide and Reading Plan (DIGITAL/PRINTABLE)
Make more sense of Job, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes as you dive into A HEART OF WISDOM - focused on learning how to understand wisdom literature of the Bible and study it on our own. You'll have access to a guide on how to study wisdom literature plus a 24-day reading plan with accompanying journal pages, so that you can engage with the passages as you read each day and apply it to your life.
Available as a digital download that can also be printed at home.
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DETAILS – 11 pages | 8.5 x 11 inches | Full Color PDF Download
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You can access this file as a digital download on your favorite handheld device, or it can be printed on paper.
This PDF was formatted to be used digitally on a handheld device or to be printed on 8.5” x 11” paper in portrait format. It can be printed on a home printer (double-sided to save paper), or for a higher-quality result, you can have it printed at a professional print shop to collate and bind. Journal pages can be printed multiple times as they guide your reading each day.