Day 9: John 7 - In Our Unbelief
“The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that its works are evil.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 7
Two-year-olds are the best arguers.
As they explore their independence they can constantly push our buttons as they ask why, fall down in a complete temper tantrum when they don’t get the answer they expect, and they continually won’t settle for anything but THEIR way. It normally ends up with separation from the family and placed in a corner to think about their actions.
While we may look at these cute little two-year-olds as being silly or foolish, we likely have similar (yet more sophisticated) reactions to new ideas. Am I right?
We hear something that doesn’t fit what we expect and our first reactions may be:
This was exactly what Jesus saw happen when He interacted with His brothers and Jewish people attending a Festival. They wanted it THEIR way.
His brothers showed their UNBELIEF in who Jesus really was. The Jews showed their OPPOSITION to Jesus' message. Those that chose to follow Jesus saw the DIVISION it created with those that didn’t believe.
Be encouraged. Even in people’s unbelief and opposition, Jesus provided answers! Jesus has answers to our questions. They may have not been the answers we expect, but Jesus is there with open arms for the wild untamed two-year-olds, and for us too.
What questions do you have for Jesus? Are you listening to Jesus’ message even if it’s not what you expect to hear? What unbelief or opposition can you bring to Him in prayer today?
Written by: Heather Erickson