Day 7: John 6:1-24 - Jesus Uses our Little Offerings
“Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 6:1-24
Do you ever feel like you have to offer a lot in order to be valued by God? Our culture beats the repetitive drum that if we have a lot to offer, we are more successful, more valuable and more important.
But what if God desired something different? What if His desire was for us to just give as much as we can offer, no matter the amount? Well, that’s at the heart of our passage today.
On a packed shoreline on the Sea of Galilee, a crowd of 5,000 men plus their wives and children, were listening to Jesus. After many hours of hanging out there, they were in need of food. What were they to do?
It wasn’t the most wealthy man that came to the rescue to buy food for everyone. Nor was it a famous chef that could whip up a quick meal for everyone.
No… Through the crowd was a little, unassuming boy, who had his lunch with him: 5 bread loaves and 2 small fish. It wasn’t much. It was like the happy meal of its time. And Jesus used it to feed all of those people and had twelve baskets left over!
You see... the amount you have or give is irrelevant to what Jesus can do. Jesus can do a lot with your little. It’s your heart He wants. He desires for you to give what you have so that He can use it to do abundantly more.
Where is your heart at with Jesus? Are you willing to give the little you can offer to Jesus in order for Him to use it for something more?
Pray that Jesus can use the little (or a lot) you can give for Him to use. May He be glorified through what you offer Him.
Written by: Heather Erickson