Day 3 - John 14: I Am The Way

Reading Passage:  John 14, John 12:44

I can’t imagine what the disciples were thinking as Jesus was giving them all the things to remember… and there was so much. 

When we read John 14 together, we will see how many times Jesus said, ‘I have told you…” over and over again. This sounds a bit like parenting doesn’t it? Parents tell their kids all the important things not once, not twice, but on repeat because they matter.

Thankfully, we have all these final words of Jesus written down and can read it as many times as we want, but the disciples were trying to take it all in on the spot. 

I wish I could have watched them try and process it all. I would have been taking notes like a crazy lady. When I hear a sermon at church packed with so much that I want to remember and look back on, I can’t write fast enough.

The disciples had to have wondered, “Will we get this right and do we understand Jesus correctly? Is there more we need to know or do?”

Life can feel a bit overwhelming some days as we try our absolute best, but life happens. 

You know, the conversations that don’t go as well as they did in your head, the piles of dishes that no one notices until you ask for help, and the exhaustion you feel after making it through that long list of to-do’s?

Set aside the daily grind full of joys and hardship and take into consideration your spiritual life. Will your Bible study, connecting with God, praying, and growing in your relationship and understanding of God get you anywhere?

Does the hustle amount to anything noteworthy? 

Is any of my efforts heaven worthy? 

Will God be pleased with my life and how do we even know? 

When we focus on heaven in light of ourselves… it gets a bit stressful right?

Could life eternal life be less about us and more about the person and work of Jesus on the cross?

Our culture begs for us to feel important, for others to take notice when we go out of our way, and for comparison to be our guide. The pressure can be too much.

Thankfully, the Bible teaches us the opposite is true. In John 14, the disciples are full of questions! Where is Jesus going and how can they be with Him if they aren’t going with Him? What did they need to do?

Jesus said to His disciples in the upper room filling them in on the details of His departure,

“You know the way to the place where I am going.” 

Thomas said to him, 

“Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, 

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

Thomas isn’t the only one who had questions. Phillip continues asking for some clarity, 

“Lord show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

Jesus answered: 

“Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you for such a long time?”

Jesus was trying to show him the obvious…

“Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:4-9, CSB)

Aren’t you so glad we aren’t alone in needing help understanding the Bible? Actually, we are in great company with the disciples!

The twelve men that were Jesus' closest followers, traveled with him around the clock and eye witnessed His teachings, His miracles, and His unconditional love to all - still asked Him to explain what He was trying to get across!

Jesus makes it clear for us as well, but we struggle to believe that He is who He says He is.

It’s tempting to over complicate what was meant to be simple, amazing grace, where HE is the WAY to the Father. 

He said it Himself: If we know Jesus, we know the Father.

Read John 14:1 and 12:44. What is the relationship between believing in God and believing in Jesus? Does it appear that you can believe in one and not the other? How might this have comforted Jesus’ disciples? How does it comfort you?

Journey with us as we get a front row seat to Jesus and His closest followers, in John 14, as they learn that He will be leaving and the miraculous events that would follow. We are so glad you’re here friends.

Written by: Jenny Howell