Day 3 - God is our Portion
Reading Passage: Psalm 16:5-6
How often have we whispered, “If only I had __________” - then I would see my life as full, content, blessed. As we continue in Psalm 16, we see how David was satisfied in the Lord.
Maybe you’ve experienced the reality of getting the house of your dreams, the perfect job, true love, the kids you prayed for, shoes you had to have, the new furniture, that yard you’ve been waiting to enjoy, and especially the vacation that would fix everything…
Somehow the things that we are SURE would bring lasting joy and contentment end up failing us miserably. Why is this? Over and over find out that the things of this world (including the people and things we love) end up leaving us empty instead of full.
David reminds us today that it is the Lord alone who satisfies our every need and desire!
He said;
“Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; you hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6, CSB
Oftentimes we don’t think about the Lord holding our future. Instead we live as if our happiness and joy is up to our own abilities and circumstances. What if we really did live our days believing what David believed to be true about the Lord?
What things do you “need” to help you feel satisfied? __________________________
When everything else is stripped away, could you be satisfied in the Lord alone? ________________________________
Look up the definitions for:
PORTION: ______________________________________
INHERITANCE: __________________________________
How would your life be different if you fully placed your trust and eternal inheritance into the hands of the Lord each and every day, allowing Him to be enough? _____________________________________________
Written by: Jenny Howell