Welcome To The Chara Project

His five year old self rounded the kitchen island with a grin that melted my momma heart. The  widest mischievous smile you have ever seen met up with his sparkling brown eyes — straight from Daddy. 

Nervous giggles wait for Momma to begin the chase! 

Pure JOY.

Around and around the kitchen we race in a game of wild hide and seek. My heart thumping with the joy of motherhood, the thrill of my last born son, and the gratitude for sweet moments that take my breath away — literally.

I don’t know about you, but abundant joy can easily be found in loud belts of laughter, the chill of the first freeze, a mountain trail hike, and peace made after a long argument. 

We grasp onto moments that stir in us the feeling of joy and we smile with thanks because we realize our reality. You know...the one where earthly joy is not a continuous string of mountain- top hallelujah moments and where disappointment and heartache often overshadow the happy times?

And let’s be completely honest. FEELING joy is not the same as LIVING in joy.

We strive to locate the recipe, but we remain hungry for the kind of joy that won’t exit our hearts when life takes an unexpected turn of difficulty or defeat.

Have you been there?

After trying so hard to fabricate moments of joy, we grow weary because lasting, life-altering joy is not a place to go, a thing to do, or a prize to behold. 

Friends, joy that will satisfy your soul like nothing else is found in the Bible!

In Psalm 5:11, we read how David describes one who is found in the shelter of God’s grace, bringing about SHOUTS of joy. 

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them shout for joy forever. May you shelter them, and may those who love your name boast about you
— Psalm 5:11 (CSB)

When was the last time you offered up a shout of joy because of how God met you in His Word?

This refuge is the Lord God, the very foundation of our faith. Salvation is only found in His mighty love and is the sure source of both safety and delight to those who take refuge in His unmerited grace.

Many of us “know” that God is the source of joy and the author of every good thing, but most of us can’t comprehend “how” Biblical truth can change our lives.

The Greek word for JOY in Biblical text is Chara (pronounced khar-ah). It is used to describe ones who rejoice, who are glad, and who have received joy.

Welcome to The Chara Project friends, where we will pursue the kind of joy that comes from the Bible and in the Biblical person of Jesus Christ.

The best news is that this joy is not about things we will do to attain it, rather it is all about what God has done to maintain it.

You will find Biblical encouragement each week right here at The Chara Project. We will dig into the Bible to study historical context, uncover life changing truth, and gain a stronger understanding of God’s unfailing love for all people. 

We hope that this good news brings a wave of hope over your heart. We couldn’t be more thrilled that you have joined us. This is a place for you!

Written by: Jenny Howell

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