Layout of the Bible

Connecting the Table of Contents to the Story of the Bible

Understanding the Bible can be daunting. We often look up books of the Bible from the Table of Contents, but may not understand how those books fit into the bigger story of the Bible. Well this is the place for you!

Below is a brief narrative of how the books of the Bible line up with the full story of the Bible. This is key to understanding the Context, History and Authors of the passages you’re reading. But before we get there, let’s back up to make sure we outline how the Bible is laid out.

The Bible is divided into two main parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. In simple terms the, the Old Testament tells the story of God’s people, Israel, leading up to Jesus Christ. And the New Testament tells of Jesus’ life and ministry and the early church.

Within the two main sections, the Old and New Testament, we find four subcategories within each. Take a look…

The Layout of the Bible


The first section is the Old Testament (consists of 39 books) and is a story of God’s creation of mankind, mankind’s fall away from God, and God’s ultimate desire and rescue plan for humanity. It can be broken into four categories:

  • The Law (also known as the Pentateuch or Torah)

  • History

  • Wisdom (includes poetry and praise)

  • Major and Minor Prophets


The second section is the New Testament (consists of 27 books) and is the story of God’s redemption plan for humanity through Jesus. It can be broken into four categories:

  • Gospels

  • Early Church History

  • Letters to the Early Church

  • Prophecy (Apocalyptic)

new testament layout

While the Bible is in “order” by timeline, starting with the beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation, it isn’t 100% in chronological order throughout the middle. Books overlap each other and can often cover the same time period from different perspectives. For example, the book of Psalms, which are collected and grouped in the center of the Bible, actually spans the entire Old Testament.

For those interested in reading the Bible in chronological order, there are specific chronological Bibles, or reading plans available on the YouVersion Bible App or we feature a physical copy on our Recommended Resources page.


Layout of the Bible Bookmark

Want a quick reference in your Bible to remind you of the layout of the Old and New Testament? Download and print this bookmark today!



You may have questions along the way as you read the Bible. But don’t get discouraged. We’re here as a support to you. Reach out to The Chara Project team at at any point to ask questions or share what you’re learning. You have a community of people cheering you on as you discover the Bible!


Intro to the Bible

Common Questions About the Bible

The Bible’s Big Story

Understanding the Unified Story of the Bible

Connecting the Old & New Testament

How the Old Testament Sets the Stage for the Grand Finale of the New Testament

Layout of the Bible with Chronological Timelines

Downloadable Printable for Easy Reference