How to Study 1 Corinthians 14:34

Podcast Episode 50: “Women Should Remain Silent”

In this podcast, the Chara Project team has an in-depth discussion about 1 Corinthians 14:34, a controversial verse about women remaining silent in church. They use the CHARA method (Context, History, Author, Research, Apply) to study this verse in detail.

First looking at context, they realize Paul is referring to a specific kind of speech - women evaluating prophecies in church - not all speech. The theme is orderly worship, which applies to both men and women using spiritual gifts properly.

Through research into the Greek, they find Paul is likely talking about wives not questioning their husbands' prophecies publicly, not all women being completely silent. The passage emphasizes using gifts to build up the church, not define women's roles.

Looking at biblical context, they find women portrayed positively, using gifts to advance God's kingdom (Phoebe, Priscilla, Huldah). The first Timothy passage is similar, suggesting a husband-wife relationship, not women entirely silent.

Historically, no specific law mandated this, possibly a local custom. The meaning remains the same, but application differs today. Timeless truth: use gifts peacefully to benefit others.

They surrender assumptions that women can't teach men and see spiritual gifts are for all. They discuss how to study the Bible on its own terms - reading the context carefully and understanding the author’s purpose to determine the original meaning of a passage.




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