Day 27: John 20:1-18 - Seeing Jesus
“Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’ She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means ‘Teacher’)”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 20:1-18
Just when everyone thought it was over. That Jesus was gone forever… He saved the best surprise for last. His tomb was empty the next morning!
But it wasn’t REALLY a surprise. Or it shouldn’t have been. Jesus had told people this was going to happen (John 2:18-22, 10:17-18). Based on their reactions, it’s obvious that they had missed the memo.
Do you ever have those moments? Where a friend has given you some pretty important news and you don’t understand it or remember ever hearing it?
Thank goodness we’re not the only ones, but that His followers had the same issues!
Wondering where Jesus was. Weeping in front of the tomb. Mourning the loss of Jesus… again, Mary of Magdalene looked in the tomb to find two angels where Jesus had been laid. She turned around and ran into the gardener… but it wasn’t REALLY the gardener, but Jesus Himself! Can you imagine her reaction!?!
Have you ever run into someone on the street you vaguely remember but can’t place a name with them? Can you imagine if that person ended up being Jesus!?!
I would hope that if we saw Jesus in the live flesh we would jump for joy at the excitement and drop to our knees in worship!
As soon as Jesus spoke Mary’s name, she recognized Him. All the memories flooding back. What an exciting day! Jesus had risen from the dead! He is alive!
Our memory may fade. Our ability to understand His message and see Jesus for who He is, may seem daunting. But Jesus’ presence in our life isn’t going anywhere. He wants a relationship with us.
How can you build a relationship with Jesus to continue to get to know His message more deeply and get to see Him more clearly?
Written by: Heather Erickson