Day 20: John 17 - Prayer
“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 17
For the first time, a little girl bowed her head and closed her eyes to pray. Hands clasped tight, and eyes closed tighter, she quickly looked up with one eye to peek around the room to see if everyone else’s eyes were closed.
Was she doing it right? How does this prayer thing work?
Like this little girl, we may be a little intimidated when it comes to prayer, and wonder if we’re doing it right. But it’s not about if you’re doing it right! It’s about pouring your heart out to Him. It’s about building a connection with a God who wants a deeper relationship with you. Isn’t that worth taking time to do!?!
We get a real-life, front row seat as we watch Jesus pray and show us the ultimate example of what it looks like to have a conversation with God.
Seeking the glory of God.
As Jesus spent His last few hours with the disciples, He took the time to pray to His Father in Heaven:
He prayed that His time on earth would glorify His Father alone.
He prayed that His disciples would understand the events to come.
He prayed for all people… not only those who believe, but who will believe in Jesus through the disciples sharing His message!
Jesus wanted us to see His example. He wanted it to permeate our hearts and minds. And it can! As we spend time connecting to Him in prayer and reading His Word, we can understand more deeply the love of God.
In a special moment between you and God, find prayer. Take time today to pray and build a deeper relationship with a God that loves you so much, He would send His only Son to die for you (John 3:16).
Written by: Heather Erickson