Day 2: John 1 - In the Beginning
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Today’s Reading Passage: John 1
If you were being introduced by your dearest friend, what would they say about you? What would they start with? Would they describe what you looked like? Your best character traits? What you do for a living?
Well, as we open up John 1, we see Jesus being introduced by our author John, his dearest friend. And John didn’t waste any time. He got right to the important stuff.
Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Word (vs. 14). So let’s replace “Word” with “Jesus” as we read this chapter:
Jesus is the Word. Jesus was in the beginning. Jesus was with God. Jesus is God. Jesus is light. He became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus gives life to those that believe! Are you feeling the goosebumps already!?! Page 1 and we’re already seeing a glimpse of the magnificence of Jesus, our Savior!
Someone this amazing needed an introduction to the world. People needed to hear the important details of who Jesus really was! This is why our author John, recorded another John - John the Baptist’s introduction of Jesus to the people of that time. John the Baptist made sure his audience was looking at Jesus. That his listeners truly understood who Jesus Christ was, and pointed people to follow Him.
Their response? They believed!
How do people introduce you? What would it look like if the introduction pointed to Christ, instead of yourself?
Written by: Heather Erickson