How to Host a Bible Study
10 Tips to HOST a Group Bible Study
Sometimes the idea of hosting a group can feel overwhelming. We can easily put pressure on ourselves to make everything perfect. But it doesn’t have to be. The most important aspect of being a leader is loving God and loving others, not how perfect your home looks. That said, if desired, share the responsibility by having someone else host. If you’re new to hosting, here are a few tips to help you prepare (these are not a checklist!):
Choose a location with enough parking space for everyone.
If hosting outside a home, ensure the location is open and has the space you need for the group.
Set up chairs, if needed.
Set out food and drinks, if you desire.
Have any needed printed materials ready and available.
If available, have spare study Bibles for people to reference if they don’t have one, or forgot theirs.
Determine the best way to communicate with your group, whether through email, a group chat, or text.
Send out reminders before each meeting - where to meet, what time, what you’ll be studying, and what to bring.
If desired, after each meeting email out a recap to the group, including any homework or prep for the following week. If you’ve shared prayer requests during your time together, you could include them in the follow-up email so everyone can be praying for each other during the week.
As you prepare for Bible study, pray for each individual and their specific faith journey, and pray for your own heart to be humble and willing to lean on the Holy Spirit as you gather with the Bible study group.