Bible Study on Matthew 7:22-23 (“I Never Knew You”)
Matthew 7:22-23
“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (NIV)
Welcome to the Bible Study Guide for Matthew 7:22-23, which leverages questions from the CHARA Bible Study Guide when studying these verses. Below are the questions the Chara team chose to ask, in the order they chose to ask them, but feel free to use other questions or change up the order as you dive into this passage. For ANSWERS from the Chara team on these questions, check out the video below.
Observations & Questions: What observations or questions do you have? Consider what questions you would like to research further.
Immediate: What is the theme or main idea found in the surrounding paragraph(s) and how does that help determine what the verse means? Said another way, what main idea is Jesus communicating through the four warnings He gave in the surrounding paragraphs, and how does our verse fit into these warnings? (Hint: read before an after our passage starting in Matthew 7:13 and going through verse 29)
Connective Words: How are connective words (e.g. therefore, and, but, however) used in Matthew 7:24 to develop a complete thought from our verse in Matthew 7:22-23?
Bible: Does my interpretation hold true throughout the rest of the Bible? Is this teaching of Jesus mentioned in any other gospels? What clarity do other verses around the Bible provide in our understanding of Matthew 7:22-23? (Hint: use cross references to find other gospel accounts like Luke 6:46-49 and Luke 13:25-27 or references that speak to this topic, like James 1:22 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-3)
Who/How: Who was it written to and who was it written about? How does knowing who was involved in this story help in understanding how the original audience may have heard this message? (Hint: you can learn the audience in the text at the start of Matthew 5, as well as in Matthew 4:23-25)
Why was this message given to those people at that time? Consider what we learn in the Old Testament and the Jews understanding of the Law of Moses, like in Deuteronomy 6:25. How would Jesus’ message been upside down from what they knew? (Hint: Shout out to RESEARCH - does a Study Bible give you any insights to why this message would have been given to those people at that time? Also consider broadening to more CONTEXT, reading the full Sermon on the Mount teaching from Jesus in Matthew 5-7 to see His continual correction of the audience's view of the Law and how to obtain right-standing (righteousness) with God.)
Resources: What insights do you learn from Biblical scholars provided in Study Bibles, commentaries, and credible online resources?
Express: What fears or concerns do you have about applying what you’ve learned?
Ask: What do you learn about God - His character, attributes, or desires?
Pray: “Lord, what do you want me to learn and how should I apply this to my life?”
Join the Chara Project team as they study Matthew 7:22-23 and see their ANSWERS to the questions asked from the CHARA Bible Study Guide.