The Bible was written over a 1500 year period by around 40 authors from different walks of life. While the writing and editing process was inspired by God, it retains the humanity and style of its authors. Get to know the author (and/or speaker), their purpose and uncover how they communicated in a unique and understandable way.
Ask these questions when studying the Author:
*Person: What can you learn about the author? How did the author’s experiences influence what they communicated?
Structure: What is emphasized by:
Related Text: such as 1) Questions & Answers, 2) Compare & Contrast, 3) Cause & Effect?
Order: the order of events, ideas, people, etc.?
Space: the amount of space devoted to a person, theme, or circumstance (which can indicate the importance of a subject)?
Layout: how the book is organized (e.g. chronological, biographical, ideological)?
*Purpose/Point: What was the author's purpose (see book intro in a Study Bible)? What was the author/speaker's point in communicating this message? How does this help you understand the passage?
Speech: What is being communicated through figurative language or symbolism (e.g. metaphors, hyperbole, idioms, and rhetorical questions)?
Patterns: What is highlighted through the use of repetition and other patterns such as parallelism, alliteration and chiasm?
Style: What literary style(s) did the author use and how should that affect the way you read this passage? (See this article for the list of literary styles and questions to ask with each)
NEW TO CHARA? Start with the questions we ask the most—they are noted with an *asterisk.
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Don’t shout where the author whispers or whisper where the author shouts. Be careful not to proof text or cherry-pick Scripture, by turning something mentioned in a single spot into a belief or doctrine the author never intended. Always consider how a passage fits within the author’s overall purpose throughout the book.
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Our Favorite Tools to Understand the Author